Our approach:
All we care about is if we can be curious about the same scientific questions together, and if we can get excited to figure out the answers to these questions. If yes, join the team!
Our commitment to mentorship:
Over the years, my research experience has led me to believe in the two P’s for success: passion and people. I believe that a ‘passion’ for pursuing fundamental questions is the key driver of scientific progress. However, ‘passion’ alone is not enough, and must be paired with the right ‘people’. Being surrounded by the right people, both at the level of colleagues, and especially at the level of supportive mentors is critical for science. I enjoy mentoring and am committed to building a lab where your ‘passion’ is empowered by the right ‘people’ to help you succeed.
Our commitment to science communication:
I thoroughly enjoy giving scientific presentations and writing about science. I believe our responsibilities lie not only in doing high-quality science but also in communicating the science in a simple way to form meaningful connections. In our lab, we are commited to ensure that every researcher is trained in effective communication of their science.
Our lab mascot:
To cheer up on days of bad experiments, here is our happy lab mascot Sasha! Her sniffing expeditions always fascinates me on the sense of smell and hope her floofy soul will inspire us to make big discoveries!